What are the top 5 trends in business right now?

The beauty of being a consultancy is you can be a yardstick for what is in and out of favour. In my experience projects tend to go in cycles – last year it was all about policies and compliance, this year businesses large and small are looking for growth.

Don’t cancel your events, move them online

With ‘social distancing’, restrictions and lockdowns being the overarching theme for most of 2020, it’s been difficult for many of us to safely host events like we’re used to. Thankfully, like in so many other areas of our pandemic-impacted lives, technology has come to the rescue.

Top 6 reasons you need to be investing in SEO

Understanding the basis of what search engine optimisation is, or SEO, will set the stage for you determining whether or not it’s something your business should be investing in, what’s the importance and what you should know about SEO as a digital marketing channel. We’ve put together 6 things you should know about investing in SEO.

Is redundancy the new performance management?

When should you use redundancy versus performance management? Too often we hear from an employer or manager when they’ve reached their limit with a poor performer. Our initial advice is often to begin a performance management process, but we’re met with resistance because the problem has gotten out of hand and the employer now feels like they don’t have the time nor wherewithal to begin to manage the employee’s performance. Often, they turn the conversation to whether or not they can use redundancy as an alternative option. Is that a viable option? Let’s explore it.