Below is a snapshot of the top 5 business trends observed over the last 6 months:
- Google Ads – More and more clients are realising the ROI and control Google Ads can provide. Start up businesses keen to kick start their business with new clients, businesses with a unique offering wanting to let their target market know where to find them or even businesses such as insurance broking competing in a highly competitive market wanting to jump above their competitors. Whilst you pay to position your business at the page 1 instantly, and the latest research suggests at least 30% of Google traffic will click on ads – the beauty of Google Ads is above and beyond any other paid advertising you are able to control your spend and manage your ROI day to day!
- Audits, reviews and functional assessments – If you want to know how you are travelling against a baseline or competitor or want to build the foundations for a business case? The last 6 months we have seen a significant wave of requests for audits and reviews of small business performance or a specific business function such as HR, talent acquisition or marketing. Particularly in the lead up to Christmas we have been asked to undertake reviews and projects to support building a business case to request funding next financial year.
- Employer Value Proposition (EVP) – Employer brand used to be the focus of larger businesses with high volume talent needs, however the war for talent is real and we are hearing more and more from large and small clients alike that are keen to improve the external offering to their future employees.
- Performance management, annual reviews and kpi’s – This goes in and out of favour each year, but fundamentally businesses that are successful have a clearly aligned performance management process where employees feel valued and believe the system is fair and aligned to the business goals.
- Restructures – Business structural change is very common now, however we still find employers don’t navigate this well on their own – supporting businesses to do this well, manage any challenging conversations with empathy and clarity and ensure that the process is compliant has been a constant focus for us over the last 6 months.
Business trends questions?
If you want to know more about any of the projects don’t hesitate to give us a call on (03) 9662 9900.