I’ve posted a few times on LinkedIn how much I love ‘Desert Island Discs’. It is my go-to podcast and because it is aired on a Sunday morning in the UK, it acts as a great tonic for any of us Aussie dwellers suffering a case of ‘Mondaymorningitis’.
Russel T. Davis is a Welsh screenwriter and TV producer responsible for the original and ground-breaking Queer as Folk, the revival of Doctor Who and the terrifyingly brilliant Years and Years which is currently being shown on SBS.
A brilliant idea versus a lacklustre outcome?
There was something he said in this episode in a response to his approach to writing which was ‘sometimes the sketch is better than the finished painting’. He went on to say that the more you layer on to the original idea sometime the final product loses some of the sparkle, innovation or creativity the original idea had. Collaboration with others has helped him along with this to an award-winning level.
I always seem to find something in that resonates with me in these ‘Desert Island Disc’ episodes. In this case, it reminded me of my strengths – I love the sketch piece, get me front of a white board with a problem to solve and I’m all over it. I enjoy the creative part of the process and the execution, however, I recall that in the past I’ve often felt strongly the comedown of completion.
Collaboration is the cure
Maybe this why I’ve had an enormous amount of fun consulting these last two years. While I like working in-house for companies and have immense amount of excitement to see a project come to life, I always felt a sense of loss once it was done and dusted.
What have I learned from this emotion? It’s that the layering piece, getting the sketch to become a painting, is about collaboration with others, and as a self-diagnosed ‘PowerPointphobe’, I’ve had to surround myself with great ‘artists’. The comedown isn’t there anymore and I’ve learned to celebrate and keep going with the finished product, internal speak would call this operationalising!
The benefit of being part of Businessary is that I get to work with people that complement my strengths and where I like to play. We get to create something special for client through the power of team and this is so incredibly rewarding. The planning and the end result are equally rewarding. To get to help operationalise an EV strategy, a talent acquisition transformation or even the onboarding of talent we’ve helped hire, time and time again is truly awesome.
Four things to take away from this:
- Cure your Mondayitis with the Desert Island Discs podcast.
- You don’t have to be the creator and the artist, or the ‘attention to detail’ person. Success is in the team you assemble around you.
- There are two made up words in this blog.
- Give me a buzz on 0422 211 297 or drop me a note at [email protected] to talk all things TA.