Haven’t gotten around to updating your blog? Hop to it!

why blog
Greetings from the Businessary team! We’re pleased to present an accidental guest blogger today, Businessary friend and colleague, Melissa Ladner (sometimes called M2 to avoid confusion amongst our collection of Melissas!).

In addition to being a Master of Communication, Melissa Ladner is also renowned for her social media and digital marketing prowess.  As such, we get regular updates on the latest trends and helpful hints from her, one of which we received today and thought it’s worth sharing! So without further ado:

Morning team Businessary!

I was reading an article this morning, and drinking my very necessary coffee from my Businessary keep cup… and I thought “Hey! This article is quite useful”!

It’s called 10 reasons to blog even if no one reads it from the blog Diary of a Communicator (run by UK-based communications consultants, Ward Communications) .

The ‘ten reasons’ list served as a great motivation for me to get into gear and write, so I thought it was worth sharing.

If I had to pick my three favourite reasons from the list, in no particular order they’d be:

  • The research you do in order to write informed copy helps you to stay on top of trends.
  • Whatever the goal is that your blogging helps to support, you are taking action towards achieving that goal. This produces change which tends to beget results.
  • Getting into a regular rhythm of blogging is like making a contract. It’s as if you’ve made a public declaration of your intent. And you’re more likely to stay the course if you’ve publicly committed yourself.

Hope you enjoy [note from the editor: so much that we had to share it!] and have a ‘hoppy’ Easter!
