Did you know that the Fair Work Commission (Australia’s national workplace relations tribunal) has made changes to award conditions relating to minimum wage and annual leave?
Did you know that the Fair Work Commission (Australia’s national workplace relations tribunal) has made changes to award conditions relating to minimum wage and annual leave?
These changes were effective from July 2016 and an overview of these changes are highlighted below:
The Fair Work Commission announced a 2.4% increase to minimum wages. The increase was to apply from the first full pay period starting on or after 1 July 2016.
Employees covered by:
However, if employees are paid over and above award conditions, these changes don’t apply.
The Fair Work Commission has also varied some awards with new or adjusted clauses around employees taking annual leave. Most changes took effect from 29 July 2016 and provided changes to the following:
Some businesses have overlooked changes to workplace legislation over the years and have found themselves being audited and fined by the Commission.
It is important to understand your rights and obligations as an employer to ensure your business is compliant. For more information on what awards apply to your business OR to ensure you are compliant with relevant legislative changes, please give on of our HR Managers a call and we can help! (03) 9662 9900