We have seen many cases where managers are not sure what to do in a situation where an employee is under performing, or behaviour is inappropriate. Sometimes managers react or handle the situation poorly themselves, and sometimes managers do nothing due to lack of confidence in knowing how to handle the situation appropriately.
Either way, this can be costly for your business through wasted time, negative impact on your business performance, employees, clients and your reputation as well as the risk and cost of potential unfair dismissal claims.
It is true that managers face a minefield when it comes to performance management and disciplinary, potential the wrong move can be costly for a business! However, there is support for managers and business to ensure that you know exactly what to do and how to act if there is an issue all the while mitigating risk.
Preparing managers and putting simple processes in place to follow will make sure your business is aware of how to handle the situation. Making sure that managers are trained and have the resources to know what to do and act within legislation is essential to not only ensuring your business deals with issues quickly and focuses on driving performance, but also mitigating any potentially costly risks.
We can support your business by providing best practice in managing performance, training for managers, having difficult conversations and incentives to drive performance.
Ask us today about:
• Training presentation for managers on ‘Managing performance’
• Templates for different types of performance reviews
• Training for employees on how to use the new performance system
• Templates and advice on incentive schemes
• Managing underperformance
• Exiting staff right
• Measuring values and behaviours
• Giving and receiving feedback
• Having difficult conversations training
• Annual planning for performance reviews
You’ve got clear goals you want your company to achieve, and your people are the ones to help you get there. But to ensure that your company’s goals are achieved effectively, you should make use of performance management services.
Performance management can help evaluate your department, staff, processes and projects to see how they are tracking and what could be improved. Performance management is important for any business because it lines up your resources, systems and employees to your company’s objectives and priorities. Some may view this as a substitute for the more traditional appraisal system, but with corporate performance management, it delivers more than just the traditional employee appraisals, reviews and evaluations. It creates a work setting that truly sets your employees (and your business) up for success by maximising their capability.
Utilising performance management services can support your organisation when it comes to dealing with employees at every stage of the employee life cycle.
It’s a whole system that starts from recruitment and induction and ends during departure. Managing performance can turn an interaction with an employee into a learning opportunity. If you talk about performance management, it’s not just a self-evaluation, form or a measuring tool. This process is different from those companies that use a bunch of forms to monitor the improvements and goals of employees.
A trusted performance management company like Businessary has comprehensive functionality inbuilt in its performance management system, including recruitment and selection. Businessary can develop clear job descriptions/position descriptions to support your company’s talent management plan, recruit potential workers, narrow down the field of candidates and support your interview and selection process.
Another process that involves performance management is taking the next step (especially for crucial roles) to determine the strengths and weaknesses of your candidates as well as to gain an understanding of what their abilities are, so you’ll know how they can contribute to your business. For example, one component includes using employee assignments and cognitive testing, depending on the requirements of the role you are recruiting for.
With a comprehensive recruitment and selection process, a competent performance management business’ like Businessary helps you to determine the best candidate for your job openings – who will be the best fit to meet your business needs. Additionally, you can get assistance with negotiating employment terms and conditions, which include wages/remuneration and benefits, leave, perks and so on.
Even induction, or welcoming the new employee to your business, is part of performance management. This can include new employee orientation, mentor assignment and integrating the new staff to your company’s culture. Performance standards are also clearly communicated to new employees. These are based on role requirements, negotiation and objectives set between an employee and his or her manager and department head.
To further improve your employees’ performance, both existing and new, part of the performance management process is to provide the necessary training and education, coaching and feedback. Discussions on quarterly performance are also conducted.
The purpose of the performance management process is not to stress employees out but to provide deserving ones with reward and promotional opportunities for the contributions done to your company and to help support and course-correct those that are not meeting their objectives.
If someone leaves the organisation, then the performance management team assists with exit interviews to determine and analyse why employees resign and to prevent valued employees from leaving from your company for good.
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